Upper Columbia Delegates Re-Elect Officers

Delegates to the 76th Constituency Session of the Upper Columbia Conference re-elected officers Robert Folkenberg Jr., president; Doug R. Johnson, vice president for administration; and Randall Terry, vice president for finance.

More than 460 delegates attended the meeting, held Sunday, June 19, on the campus of Upper Columbia Academy in Spangle, Wash. Among other business items, they voted in three new congregations to the conference fellowship of churches and approved the merger of two churches: Blue Mountain Valley and Mission Native American. They also re-elected 13 departmental directors: Larry Marsh, education; Jay Wintermeyer, communication; Gerald Haeger, ministerial; Wayne Hicks, family life/Pathfinders; Art Lenz, information and technology services; Dave Livermore, personal evangelism, discipleship and adult Sabbath School; Patty Marsh, community services, children's and women's ministries; Richard Parker, youth; Wayne Searson, trust; Bill Skidmore, human resources; Jay Sloop, health; and Herman Schreven, Adventist Book Center.

Terry noted that despite recent tithe downturns, the conference is still creatively finding ways to move forward with an energetic mission. More than $3.2 million has been raised toward the $4 million goal for the Kids Educational Endowment/Scholarship Program, and more than $660,000 has come in toward a $1 million goal for new Camp MiVoden cabins.

Folkenberg reminded delegates of the Share the Life initiative that seeks to embed a spirit of mission in every church and member. He called each member to be part of God's reclamation army — standing between the devil and the discouraged. He pointed to the new vision statement taken from Ellen White's Testimonies to the Church, volume 9, page 126, which begins with the words, "In visions of the night, representations passed before me of a great reformatory movement among God's people." "This should be our desire," said Folkenberg.

This constituency session came on the heels of the Upper Columbia Conference camp meeting also held, for the first time in years, on the UCA campus.

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Featured in: August 2011


Steve Vistaunet

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor, 1996–2019