Baptism at Oroville, Wash.

"The soul redeemed and cleansed from sin, with all its noble powers dedicated to the service of God, is of surpassing worth; and there is joy in heaven, in the presence of God and holy angels, over one sinner that repents — a joy that is expressed in songs of holy triumph." (Ellen White, ST, Oct. 24, 1906, par. 11)

Sabbath afternoon on Sept. 4, the angels of heaven did not sing alone. The entire Oroville, Wash., congregation, along with visitors from nearby churches, joined their voices with the heavenly choir in joyful anthems of praise at the baptism of two new converts by Jeff Crain, pastor.

Shelle Harrelson and Rod Ritter openly declared their desire to accept Christ as their Redeemer and become members of His remnant church by baptism. While both spouses are members already, Linda and Jesse rejoiced in having unity in their love and work for the Lord. The Oroville Church is expecting the addition of more new members as the result of the ShareHim Evangelistic Program which will begin Oct. 22, with Wanda Antuna as the speaker.

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Featured in: August 2011
