Department Report

Fast Facts

There are 536 certificated, full-time K–12 teachers in 112 schools within the North Pacific Union Conference.

During the past five years, the NPUC has provided nearly $4 million for "remote and necessary" schools throughout the Northwest.

During the 2010–11 school year, there were more than 6,500 K–12 students in the NPUC.


The office of education coordinates and assists in funding special programs for K–12 schools throughout the Northwest. It serves as a liaison between the North American Division policies, educational standards and curriculum and the local conference programs here in the Northwest. It is also responsible for the certification of all teachers within the union.


Because Seventh-day Adventist education is a ministry essential to fulfilling the unique mission of the Adventist Church, the office of education is dedicated to implementing the mission of the church in the K–12 educational program.

What's Been Accomplished

Early Childhood Education and Care — Appointed a coordinator to assist local conferences in providing information and oversight for local early childhood centers.

Goals — Encouraged the development of specific, written goals for Northwest Adventist schools and provided subsidies to help schools begin working toward those goals.

Program Subsidies — Provided more than $10 million in overall financial aid to Northwest schools for special programs beyond the normal operating costs.

Quality Assurance — Ensured high-quality Adventist education by administering policies for school evaluation and professional development.

Teacher Certification — Provided an objective, neutral center for the certification of teachers.

The Challenges Ahead

Enrollment — While enrollment in K–12 schools has dropped by nearly 1,000 students during the past five years, we must continue to provide quality education in an Adventist Christian context.

Cost — With the rising expense of education, both public and private, we must partner with conferences and churches to keep costs as affordable as possible.

Minority Scholarship Programs — We must pioneer new efforts to include minority families in the benefits of Adventist Christian education to ensure successive generations will be faithful church members.

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Featured in: September 2011
