Hometown Nazareth Where Jesus was a Kid

Vacation Bible School at Sunnyside Church in Portland, Ore., drew more than 134 children from June 20–25. Nearly 40 were non-members. More than 100 adults volunteered and donated food each night. Chris Marin, volunteer, and Shirley Allen, pastor, along with "a village," put on the event.

Each night a different children's program was featured. At the Sabbath "graduation," each child received a certificate. Also, Sabbath School teachers were introduced and children were invited to a new sing-a-long taking place prior to Sabbath School. An appeal was given for children and parents to give their hearts to Jesus. Many responded.

A special thank-you note sent to Allen says, "I think my granddaughter did learn a lot. She has never been exposed to anything, not even preschool or outreach of any kind, so this was a totally new experience for her ... Thanks so much for loving all those little children ... This is such a memorable thing, not only for the children but for ‘grandma' as well."

As a follow-up, all the families received an invitation to SunnyCity in Ventura Park in Portland, Ore., for Aug. 7, from 1–5 p.m. SunnyCity is a mini-town created with the help of doctors, police officers, firefighters, pastors, teachers and librarians that prepares children to be great citizens.

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Featured in: September 2011
