Whipple Creek Church Welcomes New Pastor

The Whipple Creek Church (Ridgefield, Wash.), welcomed their new pastor, Ed Nelson, from Grants Pass, Ore., where he was the associate/youth pastor for the past eight years.

Called from a career in electrical engineering, Nelson enrolled in the seminary at Andrews University in the fall of 2000. While there, he served a number of churches through teaching, preaching, music and small-group ministry. He has a passion for public evangelism and for sharing the three angels' message with our own congregations and the world. Nelson believes in the importance of maintaining a personal relationship with Jesus and then radiating the love of God with others. He states that the prophetic messages must be proclaimed with Christ and the gospel at their core.

The Whipple Creek family looks forward to welcoming Heidi Coupland to the congregation when she marries Nelson this month.

Nelson replaces David Kack, who retired in 2010 and was followed by Bruce Fox, interim pastor.

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Featured in: January 2012
