CHIP Trains Leaders to Reach Their Communities

There are few things in this life that bring greater satisfaction than engaging with heavenly agencies to extend the healing ministry of Jesus.

During the past 20 years, hundreds of Adventist churches in the United States and Canada have thrown open their doors to the local community and invited people to come in, sit down and, through CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program), learn how to arrest and even reverse the major diseases of our society: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Thousands have come, and thousands rejoice in their new-found health. Many of these have stayed to learn what else this church of health and healing has to share, resulting in friendships for time and eternity.

On the weekend of March 30–April 1, 44 motivated individuals from 11 Northwest church congregations met at the Holden Convention Center in Gladstone, Ore., to learn how to bring CHIP to their communities. The group included a chief finance officer, a registered dietitian, an electrician, a pastor, successful entrepreneurs, a physician, and several nurses and homemakers, along with many other professionals and non-professionals. The success of CHIP's ministry does not depend on one's chosen career, but rather on a passion for health ministry, a love for people, and the ability to organize and professionally deliver this beautifully packaged health program.

New programs likely will emerge from this weekend of inspiration, education and, beyond that, the joy of watching people find health and wholeness in the fellowship of God's people.

To learn more about CHIP and how to bring this ministry to your church, call 866-732-2447, email or visit

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Featured in: June 2012
