Cle Elum Member Awarded Eagle Scout

A Court of Honor was held Jan. 28 at the Ellensburg (Wash.) Church to present Arill Bartrand, a Cle Elum (Wash.) Church member, with the rank of Eagle Scout. This is the highest rank that can be earned as a Boy Scout, for which Bartrand had to first earn all the lower ranks in scouting and more than 21 merit badges including badges for citizenship in the community, citizenship in the nation and citizenship in the world.

During the ceremony, Bartrand honored his parents, David and Meg Bartrand, along with several mentors with special parent and mentor pins.

Bartrand had to serve at least six months in a troop leadership position as well as plan, develop, secure donations of material and labor for, and give leadership to a civic project. He chose to build a bridge two miles up a steep trail above Easton, Wash., at an inconvenient and potentially dangerous crossing of Silver Creek. He worked with the U.S. Forest Service and arranged for Monroe, Wash., church Clarence Grilley and David Bartrand to have two pack strings haul the equipment and materials up the trail. Troop 493 of Ellensburg, under the supervision of David Poage, Cle Elum Church member, and Larry Hudson, scoutmaster, worked with others to do the groundwork, build the abutments and place and secure the decking and railing. Now, instead of getting wet and potentially slipping into the creek, hikers, cyclists and horseback riders have a beautiful, safe bridge to cross.

Bartrand, a senior at Hanford High School in Richland, Wash., plans to study math, science and engineering in college next year.

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Featured in: June 2012