Small Church Hosts Public High School Graduation

The Cove (Ore.) Church is a small church in a small community. The membership of the church is 69, with the population of Cove at 637. This small church hosted the Cove High School graduation on Wednesday, May 23.

The baccalaureate service began with a welcome by Alannah Jones, one of the 27 graduating seniors. Clayson McBride offered the opening prayer.

The Cove High School Choir, directed by TedRay McBride, sang "Bound for Jubilee" and "True Colors," which featured Maddie Ford as soloist. Scott Brazil, pastor, introduced by his son Micah, gave the baccalaureate address, titled "Busting Popular Graduation Myths." His thoughts were well-received by the graduating class and the audience.

The graduating class then shared more of their musical talent. Micah and Hannah Brazil performed a violin and piano duet, and Maddie Ford and Mollie Baum accompanied themselves on guitar as they sang "Nothing Without You." Following the closing prayer by C.J. Ruth and Kegan Gilstrap, the group of nearly 100, including the seniors, their friends and families, and community members, enjoyed refreshments.

"It was an honor to have the graduation service in our church," says Leona Garrett, Cove Church member. "Although we are small, we do our best to be of service to our community." Sometimes small churches in small communities have to be creative in the way they reach out to their neighbors.

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Featured in: August 2012
