God Blesses Investment Project

Luther Behney shared one Sabbath that he had been discouraged with his investment project. He couldn't seem to raise any money for missions. He had a few cans in his house and decided to collect some more to raise a few cents for Jesus.

While visiting his wife one day at the Hood River (Ore.) Care Center, he saw many cans being thrown away. As Behney picked up the discarded cans, a worker asked him if he wanted a "few more." Behney gladly accepted.

The next day, the same worker said she had a few cans for him and wondered where she should put them. Behney replied, "Thank you! Just set them by my car." That night when he left, he was surprised to find bags and bags of cans. He loaded them into the trunk, into the back seat and into the front seat until there was barely room left for him to drive the cans home.

Will God bless an investment project? Ask Luther Behney!

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Featured in: August 2012
