Pathfinder Fair 2012 Held in Albany

The 2012 Oregon Conference Pathfinder Fair, held May 20 at the Linn County Expo Center in Albany, Ore., began with the Pathfinder parade. Pathfinders marched in front of a large audience, which included Tracy Wood, Oregon Conference Pathfinders director. Wood welcomed them and said, "Good morning! Looking sharp."

Next was the posting of colors (flags) by the Pleasant Valley (Happy Valley, Ore.) Pathfinders color guard, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and opening prayer.

Pathfinders were invited to take the stage and recite the memory verse for the year (Isaiah 6:8), as well as the Pathfinder Pledge and Law. So many young people had committed the memory verse and pledge to memory. The large group also sang the Pathfinder Song. This was followed by recognition of Pathfinders who had committed to baptism in the last year.

Next was the drill down. This was followed by basic and advanced drill competitions and exhibition drill.

Pathfinder clubs sold lunch at various booths throughout the Expo Center to raise money for individual clubs. There were veggie burgers, corn dogs, pizza, pies, fruit smoothies, fruit and so much more.

Booth activities were set up to show off some of the honors various Pathfinder clubs had been working on. Some of the honors represented included soap carving, archery, letterboxing, music and swimming. Pathfinder teams were encouraged to visit at least 10 booths, get a signature on a card and enter for prizes.

Following afternoon relay races and activities, the day wound down with the awards ceremony. Ribbons, trophies and congratulations were awarded to individual Pathfinders and clubs. Many were able to watch live streaming of all events via the Internet.

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Featured in: August 2012
