Young Singer Uses Voice to Provide Food

Micah 6:8 says, "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does The Lord require of you? To act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Growing up I never had to worry about where my next meal would come from. The sad reality is not everyone could say the same. To those God gives many blessings, He requires much of them in return. Until I went to college, I never really had a face to face encounter with the stark reality that some people really don't have enough food to make it through the day let alone the week. I knew hunger existed. I knew that people can die from hunger, but I had never had it hit home until I found out some of my friends were practically starving themselves because they didn't have enough money.

God requires us to use our gifts to glorify Him and benefit others to seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with Him. He doesn't want us to hide our gifts under a rock or run away from a situation that needs help. If I had asked myself two years ago what can I do to make a difference regarding hunger, I never thought I could do it with my voice.

Two years ago I was approached to record a CD for People to People Ministries, a nonprofit organization. The experience has certainly opened my eyes and given me not only a new appreciation for recording artists but that it's possible to use my talents for a cause. I know how blessed I am.

There are many ways to further God's work in the world, and you don't have to go overseas to serve. Sometimes the greatest missionary work is in your own hometown. If you just saw me on the street most people would not guess that I am a singer. The same is true about how God works. If God can use my voice to feed hungry children, He can use your talents for just about anything.

When I was asked about what I wanted to do with the profits from the CD, I said just donate it to the ministry. Apparently in today's times this seems astonishing that a young person is not driven by always putting herself first. I just don't understand how doing the right thing seems so foreign. It doesn't make me different from anyone else except for one thing, that I took action.

I encourage you to take action and support the Weekend Backpack Program. This program provides two sack lunches every week of school for those that have nothing to eat from when school ends on Friday until Monday morning. Many children in your own neighborhood regardless of your monetary background go hungry, and you may never even know about it. Every child deserves the chance to have a full stomach.

If you want to be the change, help a hungry child today because you will be investing in the future of tomorrow. For more information about feeding hungry children through the Weekend Backpack Program, visit

Allison Cheng

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