Pendleton Women's Ministries Create Wreaths

The Pendleton (Ore.) Church’s Women's Ministries group met Nov. 14, 2013, and enjoyed fellowship, a fun outreach and small group prayer. The event included supper followed by a Thanksgiving devotional story read by Linda Olson, generating a timely reminder of how Jesus would treat others.

As a local ministry outreach, the ladies got busy and decorated holiday wreaths for the Martha's House ministry in Hermiston, Ore., sharing ideas, laughter and hot glue guns. Martha's House is a program that provides those in need with strongly controlled, independent living situations for 90 days while they get back on their feet. Each of eight small living units is fully furnished and outfitted by different churches in the area. When participants complete the program and move into their own homes, they get to take all the furniture and kitchen items with them. This provides a monumental blessing to people starting a brand-new life.

While this ministry is supported by Agape House, like many others, they do not have funds for "extras." With that in mind, these ladies set about creating eight beautifully decorated wreaths to be delivered for the Christmas season. The recipients were so thrilled that the Pendleton group immediately asked what else they might need. They answered, "Christmas trees and decorations."

In response, the group was happy to provide eight Christmas trees and all the decorations for families learning about the abundant life God designed for them. Like the furniture and supplies, these families will get to keep these gifts from their Seventh-day Adventist friends in Pendleton.

Following their motto of “women of grace, nurturing friends for Christ,” the Pendleton Church women's ministries members look forward to one day meeting these friends in heaven.

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Featured in: February 2014
