NAD Year End Meetings Vote Ordination Recommendation

At the North American Division (NAD) year end meetings held October 31 - November 5, 2013, the Biblical Research Committee of the North American Division Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) released their report. NAD executive committee members voted 182 to 31 to accept the recommendation of the division's Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) which stated in part: “That we receive the Biblical study of ordination prepared by the North American Division Theology of Ordination Study Committee and affirm the conclusion that all people, men and women, may receive ordination as an affirmation of the call of God, and that the North American Division supports the authorization of each division to consider, through prayer and under the direction of the Holy Spirit, its most appropriate approach to the ordination of women to gospel ministry.”

The TOSC presented a two-part report, first the majority report, and second, a minority report. These reports, as well as additional study material, summary videos and information about the study process can be found on their website,

Additionally, on the TOSC website, the NAD has posted several videos from the executive committee session.

The NAD recommendation now goes to the General Conference along with those from the other worldwide divisions. The following is the timeline as it pertains to the world Church’s timeline regarding the Theology of Ordination:

  • December 2013 - June 2014 — The General Conference’s Theology of Ordination Study Committee will analyze the materials received from the divisions and prepares a combined report.
  • June 2014 — Report is reviewed by General Conference executive officers.
  • June 2014 — Report is reviewed with the President’s Executive Administrative Council (PREXAD) and the General Conference Administrative Committee (ADCOM).
  • October 2014 — General Conference administration process the report to the 2014 Annual Council
  • October 2014 — Annual Council will review the report and, if needed, take any appropriate action. If voted material needs to be placed on the 2015 General Conference Session agenda, it will be processed accordingly.

More reports from the NAD Year End Meetings

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