Oregon Pathfinders Hold 'Calling on Jesus' TLT Convention

Teen Pathfinders in grades 9–12 attended the Oregon Conference Teen Leadership Training (TLT) Convention Jan. 31–Feb. 2 at Camp Adams in Molalla, Ore. It was expected to be a wet weekend throughout, but on Sabbath morning the rain stopped. Following Sabbath morning worship everyone went outside for a hike in the forest. The sun shone through the trees as the teens participated in a spiritual leadership scavenger hunt activity written and facilitated by Rachel Scribner, a mentor from the Riverside Pathfinders in Washougal, Wash. The weekend was filled with leadership training workshops for TLTs and mentors alike. There were 46 TLTs learning, 31 mentors modeling, 16 clubs attending, 20 instructors teaching, 18 convention staff participating and our three-in-one God guiding.

TLTs from throughout the Oregon Conference attended, along with three clubs from the Washington Conference and one club from the Nevada-Utah Conference. Angie Gardner, TLT coordinator for Lake Region Conference in the upper Midwest, and Marcia John, TLT coordinator from the South England Conference in the United Kingdom, came to observe and learn concepts of TLT ministry to take back with them to their conferences.

Some of the concepts piloted at the convention will be included in the revised TLT Manual, which is scheduled for release by the North American Division Pathfinder ministries this summer.

Plans are already developing for next year’s TLT Convention, scheduled for Jan. 30–Feb. 1, 2015. TLTs and mentors, along with conference TLT coordinators and directors, are already planning to attend. Jesus is using the TLT ministry to create a powerful impact in the lives of teen Pathfinders.

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Featured in: May 2014
