Image Credit: Josh Peterson

Kalispell Small Groups Bring Members Closer

Small groups in the Kalispell Church have become a treasured time of study, prayer, fellowship and sharing.

A few years ago, Casey Higgins, Kalispell Church pastor, expressed his dream to start small groups in his church to bring members closer together. So three members got together during the summer to attempt to make his dream come true. They planned and learned how to start these groups. They chose mostly couples to be leaders in different parts of the Flathead Valley. The couples all agreed to help after they learned what the group wanted to accomplish.

These small-group leaders invited their friends and neighbors to join them in their homes for study, prayer and fellowship, thus starting a wonderful and helpful ministry in the Kalispell Church. The groups began by studying righteousness by faith and then the Holy Spirit. What a blessing that was!

The small groups have been meeting for three years. Eight to 10 groups of four to 10 members each meet weekly. That means 50–60 church members and others are meeting together each week.

Each group chooses what it will study and when to meet. The small-group program has helped members and neighbors get to know each other, become a family, and pray for each other, their families and their church family. What a blessing they have enjoyed, and Kalispell Church members recommend small groups to other churches.

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Featured in: August 2014
