Camp Meeting: Annual Adventist Family Reunion

Some come just on Sabbath morning; some stay for the entire event. Some whisk in and out on a whim; others bring the RV or trailer and join a small city. Whatever your experience with the annual conference camp meeting, these gatherings have, for many Adventists, become a summertime staple, an annual family reunion of sorts. Camp meeting is an interesting mixture of the faithful and not-so-faithful who find a common bond in their shared Adventist heritage. Some attend workshops; some volunteer at the snack shop or information booth. More often than not, you'll find groups of families and friends sharing haystack meals around folding-chair circles. Your local pastor may be leading out in a children's program or pounding an evening security beat. Camp meetings have a little something for nearly everyone. They are often the annual anchor point in building local conference community and sense of church vision. They are where we all gather to remember from whence we have come and to reflect on where we ought to be going. Here's just a glimpse of the 2014 Northwest camp meeting experience.

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Featured in: September 2014
