Annual 'Souper Bowl' Helps Hungry

This is the sixth year for the Souper Bowl event at the Ronan Church. Each year this event has gotten bigger and better. Church members are divided into two teams that compete in raising money for soup to be given to the local food banks.

This year, with a generous discount provided by Walmart, church members were able to purchased 2,584 cans of soup. These were divided between the Bread Basket of Ronan and the Loaves and Fishes of Polson. An extra $600 came in after the purchase of the soup and was given to the two food banks.

The event begins in early January and ends on Super Bowl Sunday. Over the past six years, the church has shared more than 15,000 cans of soup, each sent with love to hungry people in the community.

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Featured in: September 2015
