A Tunnel in the Moon Someone told me NASA has an entire city of American astronauts who have been living deep in a tunnel in the moon since 1973. Funded by the Trilateral Commission and protected from radiation and meteors, their computers are far superior to anything... Read more
Four Unlikely Mothers at Christmas The unlikely cast of supporting characters surrounding the birth of Jesus is beyond belief, from this world’s perspective. Sleepless shepherds, pagans on a quest following a star through the desert, a homicidal king threatened by heaven’s baby. At... Read more
Our Transcendent Brains Change is a dirty word for a lot of people — until they get stuck. Sometimes when we get stuck along the way in life, the time we spend in that stuck place can make us wonder if anything can get better. Recently I came across something that gave m... Read more
Story Above and beyond all the warm and winsome myths of Christmas is the divine story of redemption, a Word that became flesh and dwelt among us for an eternal purpose. Read more
#ButNow Social media feeds across the country recently blew up with countless #metoo postings. While many came from A-list celebrities, did you notice how many seemed to be posted by friends, colleagues and family members? Read more
95 Theses for Adventists Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther’s 95 Theses helped spark revival and reformation across Europe. We’ve seen a number of 21st-century counterpart declarations. Here’s a sampling of my own list: Read more
Displaying God's True Colors Fall is one of my favorite seasons of the year. All the vibrant colors of the changing leaves declare the glory of our mighty Creator God. The leaves do not change because the trees are dying. The unique tilt of our spinning planet this time of ye... Read more
God's Clean Plate Club It is easy to hate. Almost enjoyable to look down my nose and remember your sins with disdain. Read more
Along Came a Spider, Part 2 Well, after our bake sale break last month, it is time to pick up where we left off in discussing the proliferation of false teachers running around the world and how it is they continue to be successful even among the smartest believers. Read more