Gift Patience is not typically a childish virtue when Christmas presents are in sight. In my recollections of seasons past, it wasn’t for me either — especially when my father made Rømmegrøt. Read more
The Culture Test My wife and I like to regularly challenge our marriage through a sophisticated test called The Grocery List. The way it works is someone writes a list of items to procure from the local grocery store, while alternating between specific and vague d... Read more
Good People It’s a sense that had been creeping up on me for a year or more. But I’d never given it tongue. And then, a few months ago, like a bubble ready to burst, it blew onto my mental screen that caused me to see some things more clearly. Read more
Cultural Plagiarists One of the most shocking items on the market today can be found in the Christian bookstore. I first encountered this product years ago in the campus bookstore of Andrews University, and its existence bamboozles me to this very day. It’s a card gam... Read more
I Just Can't Forgive Myself “Maybe God will forgive me for what I did, but I can’t seem to forgive myself.” Read more
Indifference I confess to being mired in philosophical muck as I ponder this year’s presidential election. How should I as an Adventist Christian relate to the spectrum of thought — or lack of it — being flung like buckshot? What is Christ’s call upon me as on... Read more
Time to Vote This month, the brash and bruising presidential campaign finally ends and Americans will vote. Many find it difficult to choose. Meanwhile, there’s another election that offers a clear choice, with eternal significance. Read more
Sermonic Bingo Last month I commented on some practices church members participate in, which elicited some positive and some consternated responses. Good; that was the point — and I had some very good conversations as a result. However, since I gave church membe... Read more