He Aquí la Paciencia de los Santos Dice el himno que "Un hombre llegose de noche a Jesús, buscando la senda de vida y luz." Algunos reconocerán a este hombre como Nicodemo. Aunque Nicodemo no aceptó ni confesó inmediatamente al Cristo, las palabras directas de Jesús a él quedaron o... Read more
E.E. Cleveland: Pathfinder, PathMaker It wasn't the makings of a novel, but an Adventist evangelistic series. In 1954, a young, dashing minister, Edward Earl Cleveland, set up a large tent in the middle of Montgomery, Alabama's, crime "infested" district, across from a night club on S... Read more
Who's At Your Door? In the dead of the night, a knock at the door jarred me awake. I lay still, uncertain of what I'd heard. Then it came again, more persistently.Groggy with sleep, I stumbled across the room, jerked open the door, and was nearly bowled over by an as... Read more
To Serve is to Love Be nice to your brother. Don't gossip. Clean up after yourself. Help your friends. Treat your neighbor as yourself.I grew up with the Golden Rule in mind, and I suspect you did, too. "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to y... Read more
Hermiston en Accion "Cristo en la familia," fue el lema utilizado por la Iglesia Hispana de Hermiston durante su retiro espiritual y matrimonial. El orador principal para este retiro fue el Pastor Enrique Pérez quien vino desde la ciudad de Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mé... Read more
The Project When our front porch began to exhibit characteristics of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, I saw an inestimable opportunity to learn a new skill.Boards, saws and all other tools of the carpentry trade have never been my first love, nor supportive ... Read more
Accion JESÚS VINO Y ME SANO La vida de María no había sido fácil. Como esposa y madre se habia esforzado por ser una esposa y madre fiel. Con abnegada dedicación y esfuerzo había criado a sus hijos, dándoles calor y cariño y enseñándoles los caminos del Señor. Todo parecía m... Read more
The Media and the Message "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth — to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people — " Revelation 14:6.1 Could any Scripture be more Adventist than this? Th... Read more
Oregon Law Protects Workers Religious Freedom On Thursday, July 16, Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski signed Senate Bill 786, the Oregon Workplace Religious Freedom Act, into law, clarifying the responsibility of employers to accommodate scheduling for employees' days of religious observance and... Read more