Forever Faithful International Camporee For five days in August, 46,000 Pathfinders from around the world converged on the Experimental Aircraft Association’s AirVenture Campgrounds in OshKosh, Wisconsin. Clubs traveled by plane, train and bus, and some even came by bicycle, for the 201... Read more
Camp Meeting: Annual Adventist Family Reunion Some come just on Sabbath morning; some stay for the entire event. Some whisk in and out on a whim; others bring the RV or trailer and join a small city. Whatever your experience with the annual conference camp meeting, these gatherings have, for ... Read more
A Vision for Mission, to Peru and Beyond Since Operation Bearhug, which sent Northwest members on evangelistic journeys to the former Soviet Union in the 1990s, the North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) has made international outreach a priority. Read more
Caring Heart Award Winners for 2014 Thirteen Northwest academy students were recipients of the $500 Caring Heart Award Scholarship made possible through three-way funding from the North Pacific Union Conference, local conferences and academies. Students were selected by their school... Read more
NPUC Hosts 38th Regional Convocation Camp Berachah near Auburn, Washington, is a beautiful spot, with meeting halls and cabins arranged amidst sun-dappled trees. But once each year it becomes even more inviting when more than 1,000 eager Adventists converge from all points of the Nor... Read more
Francis Schaeffer's Shortsighted Bottom Line “In A Christian Manifesto, one of the most influential books written in the twentieth century, theologian and philosopher Francis Schaeffer revived the traditional Christian view of civil disobedience that Christians must obey God rather than men ... Read more
Persecuted The images are burned into history: Bible-based believers persecuted, even put to death for their faith. Centuries have buffered us somewhat from those scenes, yet the spector and potential of persecution is always present whenever human values co... Read more
What Religious Freedom Means to Me I believe in freedom of religion, not freedom from religion or freedom to enforce religion on others based on my beliefs, particularly acts of worship. This means upholding both the establishment and free exercise clauses of the First Amendment to... Read more
SOULS Northwest: A Fresh Focus on Local Outreach Many of the thousands of people surrounding our churches will never hear the truth of Jesus’ soon return unless we share with them personally. These are the “all the world” that Jesus told us to baptize and disciple. But how do we start? How do we... Read more