Mariachis for Jesus Dressed in their black suits decorated with silver bars and holding their instruments, 13 men filed onto the church platform and began to play. The sound was traditional, happy, with a Christian message. These men make up the Oregon Adventist Mari... Read more
The Language of Love When Donna Schmidt, a Salem-area public school teacher, sought the reason why two of her students were absent, she discovered that their older brother, Colian Mariscal, 19, had been seriously injured at work. Only minutes into Colian’s morning shi... Read more
Hispanos del Noroeste Ningún grupo étnico está creciendo más rápidamente en los Estados Unidos como el segmento hispano. Con más de 41 millones de hispanos en los Estados Unidos, algunos estiman que para el año 2050 abarcará la tercera parte de la población del país.El... Read more
Mariachis para Jesús Vestidos con sus trajes negros y dorados y sosteniendo sus instrumentos, quince hombres se dirigen a la plataforma de la iglesia y comienzan a tocar. El sonido es tradicional, alegre y tiene un mensaje cristiano. Es la Banda Adventista de Mariachi... Read more
El lenguaje del amor Cuando Donna Schmidt, maestra de una escuela pública en el área de Salem, averiguaba por qué dos de sus alumnos se habían ausentado, se enteró que el hermano mayor de ellos, Colian Mariscal, de 19 años, había tenido un serio accidente en el trabaj... Read more
Northwest Hispanics No ethnic group is growing faster in America than the Hispanic segment. With more than 41 million Hispanics in the United States, some estimate that they will comprise a third of the country’s population by 2050. Everyone, from politicians to corp... Read more
About Options and Making a Difference If you asked Rick Duffield, RN, why he would recommend nursing, he’d tell you the same thing his aunt told him 40 years ago. It’s all about options. In fact, out of curiosity, he recently made a list of all the things a registered nurse could do, ... Read more
Come Share Our Mission As a nurse, we know you have a lot of choices when it comes to selecting a workplace. So why choose Adventist Health? Because we’re not like everyone else.Our mission and heritage inspire us to care for the whole person—mind, body and spirit. Chap... Read more