Enumclaw Students Serve their Community

Located in a quiet country setting just 15 minutes from Auburn Adventist Academy, Enumclaw Adventist Elementary School is a small, family-oriented school. It provides a Christian atmosphere that encourages young people to become involved in sharing their faith.

In one program, which was given to honor senior citizens, the children shared a short program and served them lunch.

On the anniversary of 9/11 the students prepared a short patriotic program and visited the local police and fire stations and the post office. They thanked the people for their dedication to their work and gave them a letter of appreciation and plates of cookies the upper grade students had made the day before. Following the singing of “This is My Country,” a prayer was offered for the safety of each worker.

The students recently participated in a two-hour Jump Rope for Heart fund-raiser for the American Heart Association. Students competed for who could complete the most consecutive jumps with a short rope, long rope, and in doubles and triples; who would jump the most times over a squiggly snake-like rope; who would jump the farthest over a “brook”; and who would last the longest in jumping over a circling rope. They raised almost $930 for an average of $27 per student! •

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Featured in: April 2003