Shelton Mixes Health and Good Food

Vegetarian cooking classes were held at the Shelton (Wash.) Church every Tuesday night during September. Leader Nita Dove encouraged participants to follow a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition, daily exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, fresh air, rest and trust in God.

Dove gave informative talks about the benefits of a low-fat, high-fiber diet of nuts, grains, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables. Nutrition has been a life-long interest for her, and she drew her information from a variety of experts in the medical and nutrition fields.

Men, women and teen church members gave cooking demonstrations. The first class on breakfasts featured pastor Gary Manzella's delicious, healthy waffles and Tom LePique's scrambled tofu. In the last class of the series, Paul Dove demonstrated how to make macaroni and "cheese" using a cheese made from cashews. All three men seemed to enjoy being in the kitchen and brought humor to their tasks. A light meal was served at each class, giving attendees an opportunity to taste the food that was demonstrated.

The class song was "A Merry Heart," with words from Proverbs 17:22. Corky Stebbins provided accompaniment with his guitar, and he and Sheree Stebbins treated the class to duets.

Comments after the classes included surprise at how tasty the low-fat dishes were, requests for how to obtain some of the diabetic teaching videotapes, and gratitude from long-time vegetarians that their knowledge and enthusiasm had been increased.

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Featured in: December 2003
