Tackling Prophecy Students at AAA Lead Evangelistic Series

Students at Auburn Adventist Academy have taken spiritual leadership to another level this year through an entirely student-run evangelistic series entitled Students Equipped to Evangelize for the Kingdom (SEEK). Students involved with SEEK have discovered that a successful series happens because of more than just a speaker. It takes lights, sound, PowerPoint support, music, organization, and much more. This very complexity is the reason that Brian Kittleson, vice principal, can honestly say, “It is inspiring to see students leading a church in a spiritual harvest.”

Although the meetings were geared to the community, many AAA students came faithfully and were blessed. They realized that, as Jashira Nieves, AAA sophomore, stated, “Hearing God’s Word through friends made me understand it more.”

SEEK was especially powerful because of the impact it had on the peers of the students involved. Krysta Moench, AAA junior, commented, “It was very inspirational to see my peers go up front and talk about their love for God. It inspired me to want to do the same.”

What many found most amazing about the SEEK meetings was the depth and difficulty of the material that the student speakers tackled. But they tackled it, and they did it well.

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Featured in: January 2005
