The Gatherings

At the beginning of the year, the Washington Conference young-adult department began a series of “Gatherings,” events specifically for young adults 19–35, focusing on spiritual renewal, fellowship and service.

Taking place in various cities all across the conference, these events are powered by local church young-adult teams. The conference partners with the local church team to provide an in-reach and out-reach event for their community and the wider conference constituency. Church teams who are interested in teaming up with the conference simply submit a proposal and budget to the young-adult department, explaining their vision and purpose for their idea and the people power they have to carry it out. The church team receives extra support and funding, and the conference has an event that blesses the church and whole conference community.

Green Lake Church kicked off the first event with an evening of Christian improvisational comedy with the Clean Slate improv team. Next, Bremerton Church hosted a Hawaiian luau Valentine’s banquet, complete with real flower leis. On the second weekend in March, Jamie Jamgochian, a Christian recording artist featured on Spirit 105.3, gave a worship concert at the Monroe Church. Then, one week later, Olympia Church hosted a delicious fellowship dinner with a Thai menu and a worship concert with Joe Monto and band.

The events are diverse and offer spiritual enrichment and Christian fellowship for our conference young adults.

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Featured in: May 2005
