Renton Spanish Church Is Organized

Spanish church members from throughout the conference gathered Sabbath, April 23, in the Puget Sound Adventist Academy gymnasium to welcome the Renton Spanish Church officially into the sisterhood of churches.

The Renton Church began as a dream of the Bellevue Spanish Church. They knew that a church could be planted in the Renton area. In 1999, a group was formed that met in people's homes and in city parks as well as in the Renton English-speaking church. Evangelism and outreach in many different forms was carried out in the area; and in 2002, company status was achieved for the growing church.

Current pastor José Luque has been working with the dedicated church leaders and members to continually reach out and grow. Church membership stands at 64, while attendance is more than 80 each Sabbath. The church is working hard to raise funds for a church home that they can call their own. Until then, they will continue to focus on reaching the community for Christ.

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Featured in: June 2005
