The Power of a Prayer Vigil

In anticipation of an upcoming evangelistic series, the Monroe Church decided to hold an all-night prayer vigil. The church family was invited to participate by attending the event anytime from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m., and encouraged to stay all night if possible.

A song service was held at the top of every hour, followed by a 15–20-minute devotional. The other half of the hour was left for individual prayer as contemplative music videos played in the sanctuary. Participants were also encouraged to visit the seven prayer stations located throughout the church.

At each prayer station there was a table with a candle, a single rose and a set of instructions to follow. One station contained a copy of the church directory and people were asked to peruse the pages and pray for different church members. At another station, the participants were asked to walk outside and around the church to pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit. Several of the stations included specific prayers on behalf of the evangelistic series to be held one week later. Other stations were devoted to praying for our community, government, and service men and women.

The all-night prayer vigil was well attended and supported by the church family with a core group of 25 people staying the entire time, and another 50+ coming and going throughout the night. At 7 a.m. breakfast was served.

Prayers were answered as the Holy Spirit worked in the lives of people that attended the prophecy seminar that followed.

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Featured in: August 2005
