Evidence for Creation Explored in Arlington

The creation/evolution debate was explored in early November at the Arlington (Wash.) Church. The Trinity Creation Studies team, along with Douglas and Georgia Newton, presented an extensive and detailed tally of evidence for creation.

“Creation is a theory, and evolution is a theory,” Newton said. “We theorize what happened in the past; therefore, both are a religion because you have to believe they are true.”

The weekend seminar discussed creation evidence, the preservation and fossilization process, and the physiological decline of man, plants and animals caused by post-flood conditions, among other topics.

Newton provides this lecture to share his knowledge of Scripture and science. As he said, “There is more science in the Bible than we think!”

“Every truth Dr. Newton discussed shaped a whole new understanding of our ideas of creation,” said Suzanne Grove, seminar attendee. Attendee David Rowe agreed. “[The seminar] filled in the gaps for me and reinforced what I already knew,” he said.

More information about the seminar is available at http://www.starsbydesign.net.

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Featured in: January 2006