Winlock Holds Revelation Unfolded Series

The Winlock Church sponsored a Revelation Unfolded prophecy lecture series for surrounding communities over a six-week period.

David Wolkwitz, Washington Conference trust services director, presented each message fearlessly and clearly from the Bible. "The book of Revelation is not a sealed book," he said, "but rather an unfolding of the true God in heaven and the false gods of satanic deception." He explained that worship is the central theme of the book of Revelation and The Great Controversy.

The Holy Spirit led several to see the truth of the seventh-day Sabbath and to understand the last days’ call to worship God as Creator on the day He set aside.

Church members enthusiastically got involved with providing prayer ministry, logistical support, children’s meetings and warm greetings for visitors.

The meetings concluded with a special demonstration of God’s power when a windstorm took out the electrical power. Battery-powered lanterns, previously used to light up the church’s driveway, were used to provide light as Wolkwitz, who was not feeling well, presented the last message and the last call—not with electrical power but in the Spirit’s power.

“I’m excited about these meetings because they have regenerated this church,” said Hal Gates, Winlock Church pastor. “The Holy Spirit just came over us and blessed us.”

The series ended with a young man’s rededication of his life to God through rebaptism. Bible studies will continue with nearly a dozen people who are responding to God’s leading.

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Featured in: January 2006
