Sri Lanka Bound AAA Prepares for Major Missionary Endeavor

Auburn Adventist Academy faculty and students will be putting their faith into action through a mission trip to Sri Lanka in March. In the last 10 years, AAA students and staff have been trekking the globe to touch lives in the Philippines, Peru, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Mississippi. This year 105 people will pack their bags for a two-week trip to Sri Lanka.

The mission trip volunteers will begin their service by building a concrete block addition to a local boarding school in Lakpahana. Next, they will travel to Anawanapura to build a pre-school building. The classrooms will provide an environment where the truth and love of Jesus may be shared with children for many years to come.

Mark Weir, AAA Bible teacher and mission trip organizer, is excited to see how God is already blessing the trip as final preparations fall into place. During Weir’s scouting trip, he met a man who owns a hotel. “He was willing to make room in his hotel for our whole team and is only charging us $15 per person per night,” Weir reported.

The commitment to be a part of AAA’s mission trip is not an easy one. Participants each raised $1,800 dollars to cover the cost of building materials and travel expenses. Participants also committed to attending weekly prayer meetings prior to the trip. In addition, the mission trip will occur during the school’s spring break.

When asked why they are willing to sacrifice so much, one student put it this way: “When I think about what Jesus has given me, I want to give to others. Seeing the looks on their faces makes it so worth it!”

Please pray for the safety and effectiveness of the Auburn Adventist Academy missionary team as they go to the ends of the earth to put their faith into action.

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Featured in: March 2006
