Women Find Fresh Impact For Small-group Ministry

Fresh Impact, an interactive women’s ministry event, explored the power of small-group ministry in early February.

Presenters Wilma Bing, Melissa Leddy and Joyce Washington, leaders on the conference Women's Ministries Board, covered many how-tos: forming a group, setting ground rules, creating ice breakers, advertising available small group options and activities, and handling all types of people in a group setting.

“You have to keep small groups fresh,” said Bing, Washington Conference women’s ministries director. “You have to keep looking for new ideas. Keep it fresh for yourself. You want to avoid getting stuck in a rut.”

Fresh ideas shared during the Sabbath afternoon workshop included using various translations of the Bible for Bible studies such as the new Biblezines available in Christian bookstores, trying new prayer methods, and having specified beginning and ending dates for a group. It is easier to commit to a group for 6–8 weeks than to commit for an indefinite time.

At the close of the seminar, the 50 women in attendance prayed for successful small-group ministry around the conference in the various churches the women represented.

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Featured in: April 2006