More Than Just English How Auburn Changed My Life

Being more than 7,000 miles from my home in Thailand is not easy. I arrived at Auburn Adventist Academy in 2003 seeking a better English-language education. I never imagined that I would experience God or have any spiritual changes.

Homesick at first, new friendships, the swimming pool, tennis courts and music practice rooms kept me busy. Dorm worships, vespers and church all told me about God, but I didn’t really pay close attention to them. I just wanted good grades.

My sophomore year, pastor Jay Coon visited me and offered me Bible studies. Respectfully, I accepted the invitation, although I wasn’t really interested in losing my nap time on Friday afternoons.

Concepts began to click. I understood more about prayer, worship, volunteer service and baptism. At the beginning of February 2005, I decided to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and to dedicate my life to His work through baptism.

Accepting Jesus Christ is the best thing I’ve ever done. I am currently the student body spiritual vice president and student chaplain. Planning spiritual activities and being involved allows me to witness miracles, to help others and to share the gospel.

I came to Auburn expecting to get a good English-language education. Now I’ve learned that there is a God who loves me so much and wants to offer me the free gift of salvation. While I’m very far away from home, being here with caring faculty and remarkable friends makes it a little easier.

Thank you, God, for sending me to Auburn Adventist Academy.

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Featured in: August 2006