Lindsay Lectures in Tacoma

Allan Lindsay, author and narrator of the Keepers of the Flame video series, presented a three-part lecture series at the Tacoma South Side Church this fall. The series focused on the ministry of Ellen G. White.

Lindsay described White’s messages as "full of love and knowledge." "Her council still brings challenge and inspiration and blessing to the church," Lindsay said, "and I believe it will continue to do so until the Lord comes."

Corinne Morley, the great-great grand niece of Ellen G. White and daughter of White’s sister Caroline Clough, and her son David Morley attended the Friday night lecture. It was a special moment when Lindsay introduced the Morleys and presented them with the Keepers series DVDs.

“Lectures like these help the church body grow spiritually,” said David Moench, coordinating pastor for the series. “As Dr. Lindsay spoke about God’s prophet, Ellen G. White, the angels of Heaven were there in force impressing our minds and filling our hearts with the importance of these messages.”

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Featured in: November 2006
