Family Returns Kindness, Gives Back to Community Service Center

A special dietary needs program is one of the services Tacoma Adventist Community Services (TACS) provides.

One family—Daniel, Amy and Camille Evans—have tapped into this program before, and now they are giving back.

Recently, Amy organized “A Day of Caring” to collect food items at Fort Lewis, where Daniel is stationed with the Army. The food drive initially resulted in more than 500 food items, and more items were arriving even after the event.

The Evans’ daughter, Camille, 12, loves to help with the food drives as it helps her think of others instead of focusing on her many health problems. (On average, she spends 150 days per year in the hospital.)

“Daniel and Amy try to give Camille a normal life and so involve her in as many activities as she can handle,” explained Leslie Badgley, TACS executive director. “They are always seeking ways to help others and looking forward to positive days.”

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Featured in: December 2006
