Sharing Christ with the Deaf

More than 2,300 Deaf people attended the DeafNation Expo in Seattle, Wash., this fall.

DeafNation travels around the United States, hosting expos in various cities, celebrating Deaf culture.

Nancy Brown of Seattle, and Jim and Bunny Hovey of Adventist Deaf Ministries, based in Mesa, Ariz., staffed a booth and distributed pamphlets, outreach magazines, New Testaments and two DVDs—Final Events and Our World a Theater, a two-hour program in sign language explaining The Great Controversy.

Attendees from across the nation also had the opportunity to sign up for a free outreach magazine subscription and Bible studies.

With approximately 6 million Deaf people in North America, this is a huge mission field right here at home. Sadly, at this time roughly 5 percent attend church anywhere, whether Adventist, Lutheran, Baptist, Catholic or otherwise.

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Featured in: December 2006
