Worldwide Construction Students Devote Vacation to Three Service Projects

Nearly 100 Auburn Adventist Academy (AAA) students forfeited three days of classes and spring break—encompassing March 11 to 26—to travel to Ecuador, the Philippines, or Kenya, Africa.

The groups spent 14 to 16 days abroad where they finished a church in Ecuador, expanded a school campus in the Philippines and constructed a dormitory in Kenya to shelter and protect female students from leopards.

Mark Weir, AAA campus chaplain and Ecuador trip coordinator, said in several e-mail updates how impressed he was with the drive and enthusiasm of this year’s participants. “These kids have truly done an amazing job [laying 500 to 800 blocks per day]. They are tired and sore, and have a well-deserved feeling of pride.”

Sentiments from the Philippines and from Kenya were similar. Besides construction, students and staff in three corners of the world enjoyed haggling in markets, visiting tourist locations, observing wildlife, practicing the local language and interacting with residents through playing soccer, distributing clothing or offering free medical services.

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Featured in: May 2007