A Stitch in Time Ministry Stitches Handiwork for Mission Field

Bellingham Church recently began Fancy Work Friends as a way for people with knitting, crocheting, embroidery, needlepoint and quilting interests to work on projects, learn a new skill and develop friendships.

When club leaders Donna Fuller and Nancy Ingersoll started brainstorming service projects for the club, they remembered Christian recording artists, Jim and Katie McDonald, and the images they presented, during a church concert, of orphans cuddling handmade blankets in Romania.

As the club researched needs, they discovered that caregivers rarely have something extra-special made just for them. With the goal to fill one box for caregivers, it quickly grew to two boxes. Before long, the boxes were filled with 15 scarves, 14 pairs of slippers, several hats, gloves, a small quilt, a small pillow, hot pads, and some fleece jackets and hats, all lovingly made, happily donated and shipped to the McDonalds to share in their mission travels.

The ladies involved in the project were: Pamela Gardiner, Haylie Gardiner, Lucille Van Horn, Nancy Ingersoll, Donna Fuller, Rita Van Horn, Wilma Mittleider, Patricia Munro and Janice Jonsson.

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Featured in: October 2007
