Washington Conference Hosts First Event in New Auditorium

In September, Washington Conference hosted its first event in the new conference office auditorium.

The auditorium—which seats up to 180—offers a menu of features: natural light, comfortable chairs, training tables or round tables, adjacent kitchen, potential for up to five smaller rooms, separate sound systems and more.

“Our vision is that the conference office facilities will be utilized to train and inspire our constituents and employees to grow in their ministry,” said Byron Dulan, Washington Conference Adventist Community Services (ACS) and personal ministries director.

For the first event, ACS-Washington hosted a conference on fundraising and invited Karen Johnson, from Walla Walla Hospital Foundation, and LuAnn Davis, from Union College, to share their expertise.

The one-day workshop covered the foundations of philanthropy, the essentials of planning, strategies for direct solicitation, guidelines for major gift donations, and building donor relationships.

"We've been able to receive needed training and great ideas for fundraising for Shelton Valley Adventist School," said Jennifer Scott, Shelton district pastor.

Nearly 60 participants—including some out-of-state and out-of-conference individuals—represented churches, schools, nonprofit organizations and Adventist community service centers.

Future community service seminars, offered through the nonprofit leadership institute coordinated by Dulan, include board member training, a grant writing workshop, and training on how to apply for 501(c)3 nonprofit status.

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Featured in: November 2007