Bremerton Serves in Practical Ways

The Serving With All Talents Team, a Bremerton Church ministry, likes to find loving and positive ways to serve Kitsap County and represent the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Some of their monthly activities have included giving free roses to Puget Sound Navel Shipyard workers on Valentine's Day; distributing postage stamps on tax day; passing out water bottles in parks; serving hot drinks, doughnuts and hand-warmers to Seahawk fans as they board the ferry; and other creative ideas—always packaged as a free gift from the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

About a year ago, Irving Lee began attending church as the result of receiving free postage stamps. Attached to that gift was a greeting with a simple, inviting message and information about the Bremerton Church.

Lee, who has a strong passion to help others, later asked if the S.W.A.T. Team would be willing to help purchase tents and sleeping bags for the homeless. They held a fundraising drive at the Bremerton Church, resulting in the purchase of 50 sleeping bags and 25 tents. Lee also encouraged the team to get involved with a multi-church hot meal outreach served twice a week.

Since December, the S.W.A.T. Team has weekly provided toiletries and warm clothing for people in need. S.W.A.T. also periodically serves breakfast and gives out toiletry kits on Sabbath mornings at the local Salvation Army. Last month the team served more than 100 people.

Servant evangelism, say leaders, is a non-threatening way to witness to people and plant seeds of God's love through community service.

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Featured in: June 2008
