Healthy Cooking Attracts Community

Linda Gleim, Ferndale Church member, noticed a growing list of health-related prayer requests and felt God prompting her to begin a cooking school to teach people healthy ways to prepare food.

Her first class in February 2008, attracted only five women, but the class has grown since then to nearly 30 participants from the community and other area Adventist churches.

Gleim, a medical receptionist, begins each class with a buffet meal where participants sample new recipes. She also provides a lending library with books, DVDs and videos on nutrition and health. First-time attendees receive a free cookbook and a basket of menu ingredients, including samples of organic and whole-grain products.

Participants enjoy the informative classes, themed presentations (such as vegetarian holiday dishes or winter soups and muffins), the tasty food samples and the provided child care.

As one member notes, “We are gaining new friends while learning a new, healthy way of eating.”

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Featured in: March 2009
