Snohomish Welcomes Four Members

The Tolt River had just receded from a flood when Larry Lesher stepped into the rushing waters with tethered, retired pastor, Leonard Klein, for baptism.

"Everything out there [in the world] is utter confusion,” he said later. “As I came to an understanding of the biblical truth held by this church, everything became clear. I concluded that if I want to follow Christ, I have to be a part of His church."

Lesher, and his wife, Michelle, who joined the Snohomish Church through profession of faith, are both excited about sharing their faith. In early March, the Leshers, who have a background in organic farming and nutrition, plan to host an organic and whole foods health fair.

The Snohomish congregation also welcomes Timoci and Alena Moroca and children Alisereti and Mili. After difficulty in transferring their membership from Fiji, the couple joined the Snohomish Church through profession of faith.

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Featured in: March 2009

