Spiritual Revival Marks Camp Meeting

Spiritual revival marked Washington Adventist Camp Meeting in June as attendees prayed for the Holy Spirit.

Speakers — from Dan Bentzinger, Washington Conference evangelist, and Shawn Boonstra, It Is Written speaker/director, to Ty Gibson, Light Bearers Ministry co-director, and Don Schneider, North American Division president — shared how to pray for the Holy Spirit and experience spiritual vibrancy throughout the year. Bill Liversidge, Creative Growth Ministries revivalist, presented early morning meetings where more than 120 people responded to daily calls for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

"Praying for the Holy Spirit" at camp meeting resulted in many people making decisions for baptisms and rebaptisms. A baptismal preparation class was offered, people responded to the calls, began Bible studies and prepared to join the Adventist Church. A Sabbath afternoon concert with Michael Card, recording artist, also challenged a near-capacity audience to read their Bibles from cover-to-cover.

During camp meeting, 17 people were baptized including one couple married just before their baptism and another couple where the wife prayed for the husband for 50 years. Each evening, during an evangelism feature, new members or soon-to-be church members shared stories of how God is leading in their lives.

Spiritual revival was also evident in the children's divisions. In the youth department, 70–125 teenagers gathered each morning for Bible study, volunteered at a food bank and made commitments to strengthen their personal connection with God. The Earliteen department, for ages 13–15, featured peer speakers who focused on getting into the "Faith Book." As a result, 11 young people requested baptism.

Evangelism Offering

This year camp meeting attendees raised just shy of $300,000. This is a great blessing in a time of recession. Funds from this offering are reserved for soul-winning activities.

Help us set the 2010 evangelism offering goal by visiting www.washingtonconference.org/poll to vote for a goal of $350,000 or $375,000.

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Featured in: September 2009
