FYI - January 2010 News and Notes

Changes for the GLEANER

For 2010 the GLEANER will feature a few changes in page content. This page will include the news and notes typically found on the previous FYI pages with the exception of Advent Movement which will now appear in the Family section following the news pages.

Page five will include a variety of perspective articles, reader e-mails and letters and excerpts from the GLEANER Blog. Share your thoughts on the GLEANER Blog at or e-mail the editors at

Society of Adventist Communicators Convention, 2009

Adventist communication professionals from around the world gathered in Newport Beach, California, for the 2009 Society of Adventist Communicators Convention, October 15–18. The event featured continuing education workshops, presentations by leading communication and media professionals as well as awards for occupational excellence.

Don Roth, reporter, author and former associate secretary for the Adventist World Church, received the SAC Lifetime Achievement Award. Steve Vistaunet, North Pacific Union Conference assistant to the president, and Heidi Martella, Washington Conference associate communication director, were elected to the 2010 SAC board as president and vice president for communication respectively.

Don’t Forget

The deadline for the February issue of the GLEANER is January 4, 2010. The final GLEANER issue to include Christmas stories is March 2010, with a news deadline of January 28, 2010. News stories of pageants, plays or other holiday events received after this date will not appear in print editions of the GLEANER.

NPUC Initiates Northwest-Wide Bible Worker Training

The NPUC executive committee has approved a plan to facilitate literature ministries and Bible worker coordination programs in every interested local conference within the NPUC.

Beginning immediately, Northwest leadership will develop plans based on the successful Souls West program operated by the Pacific Union Conference. While Northwest students will be initially trained through a cooperative arrangement with the Souls West program, plans include the opening of a Northwest training site at a summer camp or academic setting by the 2011–2012 school year.

“We’re serious about this for several reasons,” says Dan Serns, NPUC ministerial director. “It means being faithful to our Adventist mission and developing the spiritual leadership of our youth and young adults in the area of soul-winning. And, we believe it will bring revival to each of our churches, schools and institutions.”

Read the complete NPUC Souls Northwest proposal at

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