Chandler Ordained to Gospel Ministry

With offers of full architecture scholarships, Damian Chandler had a choice to make: to follow in his father's footsteps or to follow after his Heavenly Father.

As he prayerfully made his decision, Chandler remembered observing how his parents planted a church in their home after moving from Barbados to New Jersey and considered his own involvement in various facets of ministry. Before long, he was studying theology at Oakwood College.

He joined Washington Conference in 2001 as a youth pastor at Emerald City (Wash.) Community Adventist Church where he founded Impact Youth Ministries to help urban youth share their faith. He finished his seminary studies in December 2008 and returned to pastor the Maranatha and Love of Life churches.

In early May, family, friends, colleagues and conference officials gathered for Chandler's ordination to worldwide gospel ministry. Ordination for ministry comes after undergraduate studies, placement in ministry, advanced studies, first district assignment and an ordination review.

"He is a fine Christian young man, one who loves God, his family and his churches God gave him to lead, in that order," says EuGene Lewis, Washington Conference regional affairs director and Chandler's mentor.

Chandler's family and colleagues challenged him to be an authentic and spiritual leader and a good husband and father.

Chandler and his wife, Tanzy, have two children, Zoe and Salem.

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Featured in: August 2010