New NPUC Executive Secretary Elected

John R. Loor Jr., has accepted the invitation of the North Pacific Union Conference executive committee to become the new NPUC executive secretary. Loor, who has served as Montana Conference president since 2000, will succeed Bryce Pascoe who retired Aug. 1. He expects to assume these new responsibilities in October.

In addition to a master of divinity degree, Loor holds a degree in business administration with an emphasis in management. He has served as a pastor in California, Kentucky and Colorado and has helped to direct church ministries, youth, Sabbath School and community services for conferences in California and Southern New England.

In January 1998, Loor joined the Upper Columbia Conference based in Spokane, Wash., where he worked with Max Torkelsen, then UCC president, as assistant to the president and communication director. He moved to his most current role as Montana Conference president in January 2000.

John and his wife, Susan, have two children: Cindy, who is married, in Loma Linda, Calif., and Rob, a current student at Walla Walla University.

Loor is excited to begin this new role. "I'm truly honored," he says. "Susan and I have had ten wonderful years serving the folk in the Montana Conference, and I feel God has led us in this decision. I'm humbled to be used by Him to forward His work here throughout the North Pacific Union. The neat thing about accepting this call is that we don't have to say goodbye to our current friends. After all, Montana is part of the North Pacific Union!"

Pacific Press Holds Constituency Meeting

Pacific Press Publishing Association based in Nampa, Idaho, held its quinquennial constituency meeting on Thursday, Aug. 12. Lowell Cooper, board chair, called attention to a management report detailing four areas of recent growth: 1) affirmation of a mission to uplift Jesus Christ; 2) improving the quality of all products; 3) promoting increased efficiency; and 4) reducing costs through new money-saving processes. The report also noted more than one million Magabooks have been distributed since the last quinquennial session, literature evangelists have given more than 28,000 Bible studies and the Home Health Education Services program has reported more than 850 baptisms.

The constituency approved a 28-member board with strong representation from laity with business or publishing experience to deal effectively with challenging trends in the print industry. The board voted to reappoint the management team: Dale Galusha, president; Don Upson, vice president of finance; Chuck Bobst, vice president for production; Doug Church, vice president of marketing and sales; and Jerry D. Thomas, vice president for product development.

Committee Studies NPUC/Conference Structure

An NPUC-appointed ad hoc committee held its first meeting Aug. 26 to explore ways to streamline the functions of union and conference leadership within the NPUC. Dennis Carlson, Walla Walla University vice president for university advancement, is chairing the committee, which includes 18 members from around the Northwest. Carlson expects the group to meet several times before submitting observations or recommendations to the NPUC constituency session in September 2011. Here are the members of the committee: Dennis Carlson, chair; Harold Altamirano; Jim Bergland; Sandy Eichmann; Ruth Farnsworth; Gary Fogelquist; Bob Folkenberg Jr.; Russell Gilbert; Ruth Harms; Tanya Huether; Lanny Hurlbert; Steve Libby; Don Mead; Mickey Meyer; Richard Parker; Bob Paulsen; Mark Remboldt; Tom Russell; and Alvaro Sauza.


In the September GLEANER, on page 21, the camp meeting audience/speaker picture caption reads that Ron Clouzet was pictured. It's actually Terry Johnsson who is pictured speaking before the Washington Adventist Camp Meeting audience.

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Featured in: October 2010
