Thanksgiving Missions in Belize

Four o'clock in the morning on Thursday, Nov. 18, came very early for the 54 juniors and seniors from Puget Sound Adventist Academy. Despite the hour, all were excited because later that day they would arrive at their destination: Santa Elena, Belize. They would stay for 12 days, building classrooms, putting on a Vacation Bible School and hosting a radio show. Upon arriving, they were taken to the Faith FM mission station, where they would be staying. On Friday, the group began work on the classrooms. It rained all morning, but despite the disagreeable weather, everyone worked hard to finish the foundation before the weekend. That Sabbath, they visited a nearby church and did the service. One student gave the sermon, while another student translated it into Spanish.

For the next week, the morning hours were spent constructing classrooms for the Bullet Tree Seventh-day Adventist School. The students experienced many aspects of the building process, including mixing cement and laying block. It was truly amazing how much was accomplished each day. In the afternoon, students put on the VBS for the local children. It was held at the nearby church and included many fun activities for the children, such as puppet shows, games, crafts and Bible skits. By the end of the week, they were blessed with more than 200 children attending VBS. Many of the PSAA students said spending time with the children was the highlight of the trip. Each evening, a group of students hosted the Faith FM radio station, which reached three countries, and discussed life choices.

At the end of the trip, the group from PSAA felt a sense of accomplishment as they saw the finished school building, the relationships they had made and the impact they had on the friendly community.

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Featured in: February 2011
