Children Demonstrate Compassion with Stuffed Animals

Second-grade students from Buena Vista Elementary School in Auburn, Wash., learned about compassion and community service during a fieldtrip in February.

Each child created a stuffed animal — from lions and bears to puppies and koalas — for the local fire department to distribute to children they encounter.

"This is the second year the second-grade created stuffed animals to donate to other children," says Sheri Crooker, teacher. "The previous time we made bears during the Christmas season and donated them to a safe house for women and their children. This year, to do things a little different, we decided to share love with our community in conjunction with Valentine's Day."

After creating the stuffed animals, the students met with Jay Coon, Auburn Academy Church associate pastor and Auburn Police and Fire Department chaplain. Coon had a special prayer for the children who made the stuffed animals and the children who would receive them.

The students then visited Fire Station 31 where they presented their animals to firefighters and participated in a child-friendly tour of the station.

"It was really fun and nice for us to make animals for the kids who are sad or scared," says Emily Cordova, second-grade student. "I hope it will make them feel better."

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Featured in: May 2011


Gina Hubin

Auburn Adventist Academy director of recruiting and admissions