Lacey Continues Depression Recovery Outreach

Thirty-three people participated in a Nedley Depression Recovery Program in February and March at the Lacey (Wash.) Church.

Each session began with a DVD segment from Neil Nedley, M.D., who has a special interest in helping people to overcome depression. Participants then divided into small groups to discuss the evening's topic.

"The Nedley Depression Recovery Program helped me to discover how the human brain works and how proper diet, sleep, exercise, music and trust in God affect how we feel," says one participant.

Another participant adds: "Already I am so much better off with the lifestyle tools that I have learned."

At the conclusion of the eight-week community outreach program, group facilitators and seminar participants attended a graduation banquet with a vegan menu, followed by a showing of The Adventists, a documentary about Seventh-day Adventist health practices.

Small-group facilitators included Edward Case, M.D., co-leader and psychiatrist; Mirna Selby, M.D.; and Kevin Fedak, D.D.S. Small-group assistants included Steve Enders, D.D.S.; Wayne Hurley, M.D.; Charles Richert, M.D.; and Theresa Johnson, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist.

"Having these health professionals donate their time to a life-improving community service for over eight weeks has contributed to the success of this program," says Ronald Case, M.D., who co-leads Lacey's Depression Recovery Program with his son.

As a follow-up, the father and son team held a vegetarian/vegan cooking school in May in addition to small-group therapy follow-up classes.

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Featured in: September 2011
