SAA Students Perform Their Own Circus

Students in first through fourth grades at Skagit Adventist Academy in Burlington, Wash., recently enjoyed a fun night of circus stunts as they displayed skills learned in their physical education classes.

In preparation, the students practiced skills like juggling, hula hoop tricks, tumbling and juggle sticks. The variation in activities allowed each student to find a skill at which he or she could excel.

"My favorite part was the scarf juggling," says Joseph Graves, a second grader.

While first and second grades learned to juggle scarves, third and fourth graders were challenged with juggling beanbags.

The weeks of practice came to an end as students showed up the night of the performance dressed in bright circus colors, ready to put on a show for friends and family. Nervous thoughts soon went away as students entertained the audience with throws, spins, catches and rolls to the sounds of circus music.

The overwhelming favorites among third and fourth graders were the rolls and balance positions during the tumbling routine.

Following each activity, students pulled parents up front to perform in the audience-participation portion, providing laughs for everyone.

After the successful night, many students are already looking forward to their next circus performance.

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Featured in: April 2012
